Wednesday, May 04, 2016

A confession to make.

I have lost my mojo these last few weeks - no crafting done at all.

I think I am just not in an inspired state of mind. Am hoping that HRT will help my state of well being as following blood tests last week and a lot of mulling I decided that I cannot go along in the state I am in and am giving it a go. 

Anyway over the weekend I had a look in my completed project box and was actually shocked at how many items I have stitched but not made into anything. There were loads! Mainly cards really. So I took a deep breath and dived in! I will post other photos over the next few posts but here are a couple to start.....
 It does make me happy to finally complete projects so why I don't do it at the time is beyond me!

In family news H turned 18 on the 16th April. It's hard to believe that he is turning into a young man. While being his mum can sometimes be a little testing I am so so proud of all he has and is achieving in life. 
H also had an interview at his first choice uni last week. He already had a conditional offer which was amazing but yesterday he was offered an unconditional place. What an achievement and relief! 

Today I am thankful for:
Feeling a little better than yesterday (urgh bugs)
Harry getting unconditional offer
The sun making an appearance. 

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