Sunday, March 02, 2008

At last I can show you!!!

Now it is Mother's Day I can show you something I made last week for my lovely Mum!
I followed the instructions on Scrapdolly's blog and made this lovely Maze book for her which I am really pleased with. I think Mum liked it too ;)
I have had a lovely weekend with my hubby and boys and have been throughly spoilt by them. Recently Steve has been really busy with work not just during the week but most of the weekends too. But this weekend was lovely as both he and I were not at work at all and we have spent quality time together which has been really wonderful - THANKS BOYS FOR A LOVELY WEEKEND!!!! XXXXXXX
By the way - we went bowling today and........I WON BOTH GAMES!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha!!!!!!!! I never win infact I usually come last and that is with George (5 years old) playing!! But today I was on fire!!!!!
Right I am going to spend the rest of the evening surfing and being with hubs xxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

maze book looks fab - so glad it was useful for you and thank you for your support and kind words x

Sue said...

Hi Clare, only just found this blog and i love your maze book it's fabby.Thinks i might give one a go.Also,your boys are absolutely gorgeous and sooo cute:-)
