No crafting to show you today although I have made some cards but need to take the pics - job for tomorrow!!!
I have been using a card kit I bought quite a while ago (see still on my stash diet...sort of) and have had a fab time making some simple but bright cards.
Change of subject:
Last week it was George's sports day.
Now George takes his sports quite seriously and although he isn't fie
One of his races was the sprint and he was so ready for this race. I was not so convinced as bless him he is one of the smallest in his year as well as the youngest.
The whistle went and omg it was like Forest Gump - he ran like the wind and won the race!!!
I was so pleased for him!
My boys only have two days left at school and we can't wait. Harry is shattered and ready for a break, George is George and just carries on really while I am just ready for six weeks of no routine in the mornings!
Fabby pics Clare, George is so cute bless him and well done on winning your race George!!
My kids start their hols today, its blissful no running around like a mad thing in a morning, sooo nice :)
Elaine x
Look how big he's grown, and looks like he has an eye for the girls already :)
Fab pics Clare, he's a lovely boy xx
Great photos. Well done George.
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