Monday, August 11, 2008

Time for goodbyes.

Steve and his family have a long and tough day ahead of them.

This afternoon in Edinburgh they will be saying goodbye to hubs' Uncle Morris who died after a very long illness.

We are just thankful that he is at peace and no longer in pain.

Today I am going to keep Steve's dad and granny company and make sure they behave. It seems so weird not having my boys around at the mo. The house is so quiet and I really do miss them loads.


Di's Dooodles said...

Hope it goes well Clare.
I can only imagine how hard it is for you without your boys but I bet they are having a great time!

Anonymous said...

(((((Clare))))) Thinking of you lots today Clare. Sure the boys are having a great time.
Look after FIL and Granny, and look after you too.
Pat xxx