Sunday, January 20, 2013

Having a sort out

While the boys were out enjoying the snow I decided to have a sort out of the kits and charts I am going to try to complete in the coming months.
I took pics of the projects I have finished recently but not used yet and noted what threads I need to order in a couple of weeks time to start a number of projects for the kids.
Three projects I am currently awaiting threads to be delivered, 2 kits are still sealed, 3 charts need threads ordering and one massive project which has not been touched since 1996!
This unfinished kit is our wedding sampler and its huge. I have prob only completed an eighth of it but today I opened it up again and I WILL finish it this year.
So I think I will be busy!
Lastly George's school is shut tomorrow and Harry's which is 8 miles away has not made an announcement yet - hmmmmmm!

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