These two ladies pictured with Harry are two such people and I can honestly say it has been a real privilage to know them and for them to be a major part of my eldest son's life for a year.
The top picture is Harry with Miss Lynch and the bottom one is her classroom assistant Jackie. Just how much these two people mean to us they will never know but I know I will always be indebted to them.
Harry entered their classroom last September a shadow of his former self. His previous year had not been good and I can honestly say the stuffing had been knocked out of him by his former teacher who although is a good teacher I don't think she was good for him.
By Christmas the old Harry had come back - he was confident again and more importantly he was happy. He has come on in leap and bounds and his sat results were brilliant thanks to
Obviously in May tragedy struck when one of Harry's classmates was killed and again the love and care shown to the children from Miss Lynch and Jackie got them through that awful time. I really do believe that the kids would not have dealt with it as well as they did if it wasn't for them.
You always remember the teachers who touched your heart when you were young - these two will truly always be in Harry's xxxxxx
BTW I do apologise for the dreadful pics but I was very emotional when I took them!!!!!!
So my eldest has left primary school and in September will start middle school - oh my goodness!!!!!!Also my youngest finished his year in Reception and will be in Year 1 in six weeks time!!!!!
So what have I been up to since Tuesday?? Well alot of things have been going on at school as the year came to a close so have been tooing and froing there. I did start a card for Steve's Granny which I am hoping to finish today but besides that no real crafting I am afraid. But I am hoping to resolve that issue today.
And yesterday? well...........I must confess to reading the new Harry Potter book.....all of it too. I just could not put it down until i was finished much to Traci's disgust I might add. But she is only jealous as she spent nine hours in a car yesterday and reading it would've made her car sick. Did I give any of the plot away????? Of course not I am much to good a friend for that mwahhahhahha!!!!
and for that I am indebted to you! Still haven't got to reading it yet! Have been working this morning instead - there is a new project on the forum!!! yippppeeeee
So, what did you think of it then? I got it Saturday and finished it Monday morning, what a fab read!!!
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